Innovative vocational training concept for promoting renewable energy sources in rural areas in Europe – TRAIN – RES is a project funded by the Programme LIFELONG
LEARNING,Subprogramme LEONARDO DA VINCI, Action LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation
The aim of the project TRAIN-RES is to transfer the innovative technical materials and evaluation tools for solid biomass, gas fuel, liquid bio fuel, solar energy, wind energy and geothermal resources realized by RECORA project in 2007, to partners from Austria to Romania, Turkey and Spain.
The overall objective of the project is to transfer and adapt a complex training resource for improving the quality and attractiveness of vocational training in order to facilitate the development of specific skills for renewable energy sector.
The consortium that will implement the proposal consists of 5 partners experienced in international cooperation from 4 countries: Romania, Austria, Spain and Turkey. The partners are actively involved in education, agriculture and RES.
The outcomes consist in an educational package with technical and methodological content in English, Romanian, and Turkish languages.
The envisaged impact consists in the expertise gained through the diversification of the VET and life long learning; international cooperation; opportunities for new business and jobs and improvement of life quality for people from rural areas.